Flight attendant saves six imperiled flamingo eggs, later meets chicks

Alaska Airlines flight attendant Amber May was preparing for takeoff from Atlanta to Seattle last summer when a passenger’s call light came on. May hurried over to the passenger. “She seemed pretty worried,” May said. “She asked, ‘Could you help me to keep some eggs warm?’” May, 52, was perplexed. “I’d never been asked something […]

The right way to pack a suitcase

Packing well is an art: Frequent travelers know how to pack as little as possible while still toting everything they’ll need. We’ve found the besthacks for packing a suitcase, and created an infographic that shows exactly where each item belongs. This is what a well-packed suitcase should really look like: Taken from: https://www.independent.co.uk

Airlines Are Finally Adding Enough Overhead Bin Space for All Carry-Ons. What Took So Long?

Imagine not having to gate-check your carry-on due to full overhead bins. As more airlines install larger overhead bins, that vision could increasingly become a reality. When airlines introduce shiny new or refurbished aircraft, they tend to tout the updated amenities, like new seatback screens, Bluetooth connectivity, or self-serve snack bars. While those are welcome […]

A tale of two lost bags, or why you may actually want Icelandair to lose your luggage

There are a million nightmare tales about lost airline luggage. Some become detective stories with happy endings; others remain unsolved mysteries. This one is different. This is a story about how delightful it can actually be when you’re unable to reclaim your checked luggage – but maybe only if you’re flying Icelandair. Last December, my family […]

9 Things to Know Before Letting Your Child Fly as an Unaccompanied Minor

Over the holidays, Keri Wilmot’s 14-year-old son was flying home alone from his Massachusetts boarding school to Texas when mechanical issues caused a delay that dragged on long enough that the flight crew timed out. Falling squarely at the height of one of the busiest travel periods of the year, flights were of course oversold, […]

The most helpful 26 tips for first time travelers

Learn 26 tips for first time travelers, from how to plan, what to pack, safety tips, and more. With these tricks you’ll be so ready to leave home with confidence! Preparing for your first trip can be overwhelming, right? While each first time traveler’s preferences and each trip are unique, I’ve made a list of […]

How to get through airport security faster and other TSA insider tips

Airports are crowded, security lines are longer, and prime traveling season can put even the most zen person on edge. Luckily, there are ways to handle it all like a pro. It’s more than following the rules set by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). A hefty dose of common sense will make traveling a breeze. […]

Backpack vs Suitcase Pros & Cons: The Great Travel Battle

It’s time for a fair fight once and for all as we dig deep into the age-old question and a classic traveller’s conundrum of the backpack vs suitcase pros and cons (with wheels because it’s not the 1960s). Some old rivalries never die. Whether it’s Manchester United vs Liverpool, Boca Juniors vs River Plate, or […]

The Pros and Cons of Wrapping Luggage in Plastic at the Airport

These companies claim that covering your luggage in plastic will prevent theft and damage, as the thick tamper proof film protects everything, including bad weather conditions, general wear, and tear and the sticky fingers of thieves. A lot of us worry about our luggage and personal items from the moment we check them in until […]

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